SINGER: Oysterhead
SONG:The Grand Pecking Order
In the grand pecking order where is it you stand under foot of swollen bastards or on the neck of another man at the grand feeding table are you sitting near the head or the corner by the bathroom where you're asked to pass the bread and you pass it with a smile on your face for to pout about would only bring disgrace to the grand pecking order in the grand pecking order where is it you lie are you the tall hog at the trough or a piglet in the stye on the grand ladder of life are you near the highest rung or somewhere near bottom with your nose in hairy bung and you sniff it with a smile on your face for to pout about would only bring disgrace to the grand pecking order and you're dancing with a smile on your face for to stand about would only bring disgrace! to the grand pecking order
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