SINGER: Scared Weird Little Guys
SONG:The Phone Book
The phone book song by the scared weird little guys Abacrombe, alexander, adam, alan, atkinson, beau repair and banister, bartholomew and benjamin camillery, carringbush, christopher and cameron davidson, emmanuel, fletcher, finch and featherston garabaldy, geavany, gibson, green and gilbertson hesparas, horatio and harry, hope and hopkinson ivanhoe and ingerson, jerico and jemerson kennett, koster, kennedy, letterman and livingston mcallistor, mcwilliamson, mcrobertson, mcopolous nicholas and nautingson, nalasko and nickopolis o'flannery, o'flarrety o'flattery, o'lopolous philipopopopopopopopopopopopolous quinde, queeny, quincy, rockachelly, ross and robinson smith, smith, smith, smith, smith, smith, smith, smith, smithson, tarentino, ustenhoff, victoria and watkinson xersy, young, yentilstein, zachary and zepalin Now you've heard the song that has a lot of funny names in it if you heard your name that's really nice but we don't give a shit it you'd like to hear it done much faster, clap and cheer right now! (repeat x2) Now you've heard the song that has a lot of funny names in it if you heard your name that's really nice but we don't give a shit it you'd like to hear it done much faster, you're too late! because they've just passed by!
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