SINGER: Jim Stafford
SONG:Your Bulldog Drinks Champagne
There was a lady in a window in the room across the way from the hotel i was staying in while on my holiday i couldn't help but see everything 'cause i was peeping i confess still after dinner every night she had the strangest guest She'd retire to her favorite chair and sit there with a dog fill the crystal glasses while the fire danced on the log i watched them drink their bubbly brew until the fire grew dim then i stuck my head out the window and said why not me instead of him Oh your bulldog drinks champagne and i ain't one to complain what a perfect waste of wine it seems to be so honey, tell ol' rover that the big dog's coming over 'cause any woman that would get a bulldog drunk would have to be good to me Fourteen days and fourteen nights not one word did i hear her with her silk and champagne over to me in my shorts with a beer she just left the curtains wide and i knew she knew i could see her and the pug-nosed mutt guzzling wine and teasing me Oh your bulldog drinks champagne and i ain't one to complain what a perfect waste of wine it seems to be so honey, tell ol' rover that the big dog's coming over 'cause any woman that would get a bulldog drunk would have to be good to me So i made a bolder move i went over and rang her bell i heard growling from inside and i got scared as hell then the bulldog staggered out the door and he said, how do yo do but the lady bit me on the leg and i said r-rouf, i love you too Oh your bulldog drinks champagne and i ain't one to complain what a perfect waste of wine it seems to be so honey, tell ol' rover that the big dog's coming over 'cause any woman that would get a bulldog drunk would have to be good to me
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