SINGER: Enigma
SONG:Sadeness (extended Mix)
[ (legend:) F : woman M : man C : chorus {...} : translation (...) : comment [...] : comment Translations are not redundant; if one is not immediately Provided, look above: it was probably translated earlier. ]
C: procedamus in pace. In nomine christi, amen. { let us proceed in peace. In the name of christ, amen. }
C: cum angelis et pueris, Fideles inveniamur. { with angels and boys, Let us be found faithful. }
C: adtollite portas principes vestras Et elevamini portae aeternali Et introibit rex gloriae. Quis est iste rex gloriae? { lift up your gates, o ye princes, And be ye lifted up, o eternal gates: And the king of glory shall enter in. Who is this king of glory? (psalm 23(24):7–8a) }
F: sade, dit-moi. Sade, donne-moi. { sade, tell me. Sade, give me. }
C: procedamus in pace. In nomine christi, amen. { let us proceed in peace. In the name of christ, amen. }
M: sade, dit-moi: Qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher? Le bien par le mal? La vertu par le vice? Sade, dit-moi: pourquoi l'évangile du mal? Quelle est ta religion, où sont tes fidèles? Si tu es contre dieu, tu es contre l'homme. { sade, tell me: What are you going to seek? The best through the worst? Virtue through vice? Sade, tell me: why the gospel of evil? What is your religion, where is your congregation? If you are against god, you are against man. }
[ (extended version only:) M: sade, dit-moi: pourquoi le sang pour le plaisir? Le plaisir sans l'amour. N'y a t'il plus de sentiment Dans le culte de l'homme? { sade, tell me: why blood for pleasure? Pleasure without love. Is there not more feeling In the worship of the man? } ]
M: sade, es-tu diabolique ou divin? { sade, are you diabolic or divine? }
F: sade, dit-moi. C: hosanna.
F: sade, donne-moi. C: hosanna.
F: sade, dit-moi. C: hosanna.
F: sade, donne-moi. C: hosanna.
C: in nomine christi, amen.
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