SINGER: Susana Baca
SONG:Caras Lindas (beautiful Faces)
The beautiful faces of my black people are a parade of molasses in bloom and when they pass before me their blackness cheers my heart The beautiful faces of my dark race are made of weeping pain and suffering they are the truth that life challenges but they carry within so much love We are the molasses that laughs the molasses that cries the molasses that loves in each moving kiss That's why i live proud of our coloration we are friendly shoe polish of clear poetry they have their rhythm they have their melody the beautiful faces of my black people Beautiful faces of my black people Las caras lindas de mi gente negra son un desfile de melaza en flor que cuando pasan frente a mi se alegra de su negrura todo el corazón Las caras lindas de me raza prieta tienen de llanto de pena y dolor son las verdades que la vida reta pero que llevan dentro mucho amor Somos la melaza que ríe somos la melaza que llora somos la melaza que ama y en cada beso es conmovedora Por eso vivo orgullosa de su colorido somos betún amable de clara poesía tienen su ritmo tienen melodía las caras lindas de mi gente negra Caras lindas de mi gente negra
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