SINGER: Haggard
Aides moi... [help me...] Oh, il est tombe! mais, qu'est-ce qu'il a? [oh, he's fallen down! but what's wrong with him?] saint vierge! au secours! [blessed virgin! help!] venez! venez! venez! [come! come! come!] C'est la peste! c'est la peste! [it's pestilence! it's pestilence!] sauve qui peut! sauve qui peut! [run for cover! run for cover!] Dominus vobiscum [let the god be with you.] et cum spiritu tuo. quid est, quod vis? [an with thy spirit. what is it, that you want?] Iter! claudite fenestras et portas! nunc manus [go! close the windows and the doors! now the punishing] dei punientis pestilentiam etiam [hand of the god will pestilence] agentem apportavit! [further bring] Domine, serva animos nostros... [lord, guard our souls]
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