SINGER: Sprout
SONG:Stain On My Wall
Oh what a fight oh what a night i beat you good i bled you dry You ran and ran i saw you go leaving naught but a stain on my wall blood from your face all over the floor that'll wipe off but the stain on the wall will always remain a mark of you, in my home Oh what a fight oh what a night i beat you good i bled you dry You ran and ran i saw you go leaving naught but a stain on my wall blood from your face all over the floor that'll wipe off but the stain on the wall will always remain a mark of you, in my home Oh what a fight oh what a night i beat you good i bled you dry Ha ha ha i saw you run you pissed your pants you spit your gum you asked your friends to get me back they're my friends now ha eat that shit on your face wiped from your ass you stepped in my house you stole my grass Oh what a fight oh what a night i beat you good i bled you dry Don't look at my bitch with your broken nose no lady'll want you you walk with a limp that's not too great but you stepped on my turf and looked funny at my mate So i got you again what's wrong with that just after school just after math i didn;t care that you cried threatened to tell i knew that you wouldn't though i didn't care Next day it was me stuck that sign on your back you got nice free kicks and maybe one smack
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